This week I joined Todd Nilson’s Holmes D&D campaign Fortune & Glory. It’s an evening game in the States, which makes for an early morning game in Europe. I think I’ve never before watched the sun come up over a character sheet.

The ability scores are 3d6 in order. I rolled a 2, adjusted to 1, for hit points, but Todd gives maximum at 1st level. For the name, I used the “Holmesian Random Names” generator from Zenopus Archives’ Holmes Ref. I happen to have a figurine that looks quite like how I imagine the character: frail, long-faced, pale-complected, dark circles under the eyes, a habitual air of “Where am I and what’s going on…?”
In Fandor, Endys the Uncanny perused adventure notices on the tavern bulletin board. He thought to get himself hired on with an adventuring party for coin, but he heard the rate in the city was low. “A copper a day come what may” would not make his fortune.
Then he met Duncan, a dwarf, and Redwald, dressed in the accoutrements of a cleric. They sought to form a party. “How much do you pay?” asked Endys. “A full share of the treasure,” Redwald said.
Suppressing joy at such luck, Endys accepted. Duncan reached on tiptoes to yank a notice from the board. “Five hundred gold is a good price for a bandit’s head.” And off went the trio in search of fortune and glory.
No need to suppress joy at my luck, I am always happy to meet folks who love to play D&D as I do. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep up oh-dark-thirty once a week, but I’ll be there next time, no doubt. For at session’s end, Endys was sneaking up on a hideous creature he believes to be Hegresh, the bandit leader. “A deadly blow from behind” for glory!