Dreaming Amon-Gorloth is a dungeon and wilderness adventure campaign for a party of six to ten characters, levels 1 to 9, intended for use with any old-school edition of the world’s most superlative role-playing game.
As Melqart and the Company of the Blind Seer explore the Deep Halls, I make notes and stock the dungeon. The results are given by dungeon level and wilderness area. Information for each includes necessary background information, details of encounter areas, and wandering monster tables.
Your Own Deep Halls Campaign
You don’t have to wait for me to stock it for you. To run a similar Deep Halls campaign, see “These Deep Halls or Where to Start.”
I play the campaign solo, running a main character and two companions, plus an entourage of hirelings and henchmen, using Holmes Basic with Phenster’s Pandemonium Society House Rules.
Forbidden Knowledge
If you want to explore the Deep Halls as an adventurer, stop reading here. The tunnels beyond are twisted and nightmarish. Therein lurk creatures yet unimagined, neither living nor dead but dreaming—dreaming dreams of unknown ages, ages long past, ages that never were, ages that were never meant to be. The author of this work bears no responsibility for the perils that may befall the casual explorer in the Deep Halls.
The dungeon map is the Deep Halls by Dyson Logos. The wilderness environment is the Outdoor Survival map board.
The Campaign So Far…
We proceed with caution, for within the Deep Halls lies forbidden knowledge. Firmer minds than ours have been feebled by its acquisition.