“SWORDS: Among magic weaponry swords alone possess certain human (and superhuman) attributes, Swords have an alignment (Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic), an Intelligence factor, and an egoism rating (as well as an optional determination of the their origin/purpose)” (Monsters & Treasure, 27).
It’s a little known fact that all magic swords in D&D’s original edition are intelligent. In 1974, we determine a magic sword’s intelligence with a d12 roll. An intelligence of 7 or higher grants the sword an increasing number of primary and extraordinary powers and the ability to communicate.
A roll of 1 to 6, however, gives us a sword with intelligence yet unendowed with any powers or any means to communicate. It is also denied an ego, for “Only those swords [with an] Intelligence of 7 or more will have an Egoism rating” (29). Such a sword may signal its condition only to characters of a differing alignment, who take damage from a touch.

Maybe the co-creators did not intend to manufacturer such an item. An asterisk denotes that “Although the sword cannot communicate it will endow its user with the powers it has, but these will have to be discovered by the user” (28), while the Mental Powers column makes it clear the sword has “None endowed.” Perhaps “the powers it has” refers to the sword’s magic powers, such as has a sword +1, +2 vs. Lycanthropes or a sword +2, Charm Person Ability?
As written, if we obey the dice, half all OD&D’s magic swords suffer this fate. Considering that it is usual for a magic sword to have been created in some long ago time and that such weapons tend to be nigh indestructible, we might say it is a fate worse than death.
In B/X D&D, Moldvay, Cook, Marsh save magic swords from this cruelty by replacing the straight up d12 roll for intelligence with a d20 table. A sword is intelligent on a result of 15 or higher. A 14 or less results in a null intelligence score.
This really gets me thinking. Perhaps magic swords that can’t communicate become cursed!
Some of them, Stephen, some of them. My next thought, what if a character with a different alignment picks up a cursed intelligent sword…? Taking damage but can’t put down the sword!