Roll on one of three d% tables to determine a room’s general contents: monster, treasure, trap, interesting variation, or empty. The tables are derived from guidelines given in three late-1970s’ publications of the world’s most superlative role-playing game.
For a one-third chance of monsters throughout the underworld, use the BLUEBOOK table. To differentiate between built dungeon areas and natural caves and caverns, switch between the DUNGEONS and CAVES tables.
You get 2 PDFs:
- Print PDF (6 pp., 5½" x 8½") displays well on tablets and e-readers.
- Phone PDF (8 pp., 2¼" x 4") fits on the smallest screens.
Both contain the tables and brief instruction. A footer contains links to each table for quick navigation on screen. Or print the tables on a single double-sided letter-size or A4 sheet; fold in half short-wise to expose the desired table.
Monsters and Treasures Not Included: After determining general contents, you’ll need to decide on specific monsters, treasures, and interesting variations according to your dungeon plan and preferred rule system.