Release is set for early in the week. Previously called “Flying Dungeon Stocking Tables,” we used these a couple years ago to help stock a certain twisted and nightmarish dungeon. Lately, they serve in Deep Dungeon Doom when inspiration is short for the daily #Dungeon23.
I put the trio of tables, with instructions for use, behind a nice cover and made one PDF for printing and viewing on mid- to large-size screens and another for use on your smartphone.

Like Moldvay’s dungeon room contents tables for earlier editions.
Roll on one of three d% tables to determine a room’s general contents: monster, treasure, trap, interesting variation, or empty. The tables are derived from guidelines given in three late-1970s’ publications of the world’s most superlative role-playing game.
For a one-third chance of monsters throughout the underworld, use the BLUEBOOK table. To differentiate between built dungeon areas and natural caves and caverns, switch between the DUNGEONS and CAVES tables.
For details on how the tables are derived, see “Flying Dungeon Stocking Table by the Bluebook” and “Flying Table by Dungeon Geomorphs Sets.”