The release of Blue Flame, Tiny Stars is back on. The bad news is a publishing deal for a print edition didn’t work out. The good news is I am thinking to do it myself.
The book is short—about 30 reading pages, hence my reluctance. With front and back matter, it comes to 45 total. The printer requires a book of that size to have a page count divisible by six. That makes a thin volume, but I can think of another book that has only 48 pages.
Formatting the manuscript for print requires some labor, the cover quite some more, and receiving print proofs requires time. The labor is done. A proof copy is on the way, scheduled to arrive mid-October. I’ll have a look at it and decide if it’s worth the pulp.
Expect an update in about two weeks. Thank you for your patience and your support.

Good to read!
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