“Stephen’s delightful memoir makes you want to travel upstream to your own formative D&D headwaters, dig out your old graph-paper maps and worn dice, and rediscover the gateway to what the author calls ‘the fantastic path.’” —Ethan Gilsdorf, author of Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks: An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms
“A celebration of dice, maps, friendship, and, above all, imagination—the very stuff from which the hobby of role-playing is made.” —James Maliszewski, author of Grognardia: Musings and Memories from a Lifetime of Roleplaying
“There will probably be special areas of the wilderness map for which the standard encounter tables will not seem correct. The DM is encouraged to create his or her own tables for these places.”—D&D Expert Rulebook, Cook and Marsh, 1981, X54
Cook and Marsh give no guidance on how to create these tables. Should we make a simple dn table of monsters? Or should we create special tables using the Wilderness Encounters section (X57-8) as a guide—that is, an array of tables and subtables for each creature type: men, humanoid, flyer, etc., encountered in each biome: woods, river, swamp, etc.?
The latter is mighty complex, but I like the chance to encounter so many different monsters. If creating tables for large areas and the tables would get a lot of use, then I might go for that option. Before making tables from scratch, though, I would modify the existing tables, striking out undesired monsters and adding entries for those more common.
The former option is easier, although, on a simple table, each monster has an equal chance of appearing. I prefer a weighted table using two or more dice.1
We get such a weighted table in the AD&D Monster Manual II. Under the heading Creating Your Own Random Encounter Tables, we read:
“The following method of creating charts is based on the sum of 1 8-sided and 1 12-sided die, producing a range from 2-20 with a large flat spot of equal probability in the 9-13 range” (138).
Examining the odds of any given result of d12+d8, we see that the chance for each result in the “large flat spot of equal probability” is 8.33%. From there, the chance increases or decreases by 1.04% as the result goes up or down the table.
The MMII labels the flat spot as common and every two steps up and down as uncommon, rare, and very rare. Using this method, we have only to identify monsters based on the chance we’d like to encounter them.
Special Encounter Tables: Hekselannen
Roll normally on the major terrain types table (the first table of the Wilderness Encounters section, D&D Expert Rulebook, X57) to determine whether an encounter takes place. In city, inhabited, and water hexes, continue rolling on the section’s tables as normal. Re-roll any nonsensical result. (So many millennia from now, perhaps crocodiles will infest Europe’s north coast… or not.) When an encounter is indicated on the Pale Moor or its borderlands, roll on the appropriate column in the table below. See map in “Hekselannen.”
City: A hex containing a city (treat Emden as such) and within three hexes of it are considered city for purposes of determining wilderness encounters. Roll for an encounter once per week.
Inhabited: Hexes within the Thirteen Graves are patrolled, therefore, considered inhabited, except borderlands (see below). Roll for an encounter once per day.
Waterborne: Swimming or aboard a vessel on the sea or a river, roll on the ocean or river tables as normal. Roll for an encounter once per day.
Borderlands: Monsters make frequent forays into civilized lands from the Pale Moor. Borderlands are any hex within three miles of the perimeter.
Patrolled Areas and Wilderness Encounters
“The cleared area will remain free of monsters as long as it is patrolled. Patrols usually range up to 18 miles from a castle or stronghold, though jungles, swamps, and mountains will require a garrison every 6 miles to keep the area clear” (X52).
To reconcile the 1-in-6 chance for encounters in city and inhabited hexes with the above definition of a cleared area, that is, “free of monsters,” I count patrolled areas as inhabited. Much of the Thirteen Graves is swamp (fen and marsh) and clear with some woodland. Even without extra garrisons, most hexes outside the Pale Moor are within six miles of a town or stronghold. So, while “free of monsters” is optimistic, encounters are less frequent in patrolled areas.
Keep and Dungeon: In the south half of the Pale Moor, roll on the Keep table. In the north half, Dungeon.
In the table, a column for each area, before giving encounters, notes the chance for an encounter and, in parentheses, the number of times per day to roll the chance.
Superscript letters E, N, S, and W designate halves of the region. For example, Borderlands entry 5, “OrcS/TrollN,” indicates an Orc encounter in the south, Troll in the north. The dividing line is left to the DM’s discretion.
Where two monsters or types are given (divided by a slash “/”) without superscript designators, either choose or roll for it.
Italic entries refer to subtables in the Expert Rulebook (X57-8).
Bold entries refer to notes given below.
Wilderness Encounters in Hekselannen
Chance for Encounter (per day)
5-6 (1)
4-6 (2)
4-6 (2)
Standard Encounter Tables
Standard Encounter Tables
Standard Encounter Tables
Hill Giant
Adventurers/NPC Party
Moor Wraith
Moor Wraith
Moor Wraith
NPC Party
NPC Party
Lizard ManE/Hill GiantW
Lizard ManE/LycanthropeW
Lizard ManE/LycanthropeW
Animal: Replace crocodile and elephant with wolf, tiger with dire wolf, and giant piranha with giant sturgeon.
Humanoid: Replace cyclops with kobold.
Flyer: Re-roll pegasus.
Lycanthrope: d8, 1: werebear, 2: boar, 3-5: rat, or 6-8: werewolf.
Demon and Devil: DM’s choice from lesser demons and devils. Single entities are encountered unless campaign events dictate a horde is on the march.
Moor Wraith: To determine the base creature, roll again on the same table. Ignore demon, devil, and undead. A second moor wraith result indicates a double encounter with two wraith types.
Patrol: From nearest town or stronghold. Otherwise, treat as Castle Encounter (X59). Patrols may have different characteristics. A Valhallan patrol, for example, is made up of hobgoblins. A patrol displays a banner emblazoned with the grave’s heraldic device. Each grave may be further distinguished by a distinct color (for banner, tunic, pantaloons, and other accoutrements). Patrols do not go beyond the Pale.
False Patrol: There is a small chance, say 1-in-12 or 1-in-20, that a patrol is actually a band of brigands masquerading as a local patrol, outfitted in appropriate arms and armor and accoutrements of a local patrol. The brigands are on a scouting (70%) or raiding mission (30%). If raiding, the false patrol is accompanied by an equal number of brigands, undisguised and hidden until the attack.
Embellish Patrols
I take the idea for false patrols from the World of Greyhawk Glossography, compiled by Pluffet Smedger (Relmord: Royal University, CY 998). For more ideas to add flair to your borderland patrols, see that enigmatic volume (Encounter Tables, 4-5).
General Lairs: Troglodyte Caves
Appearing wherever sedimentary rock exposes itself between the spongy bogs and shallow meres on the Forsaken Peninsula, these caves were used for centuries by the reptilian humanoids who excavated them. Where possible, the troglodytes started with natural caves or fissures, expanding tunnels and caverns according to their needs. The caves tend to be shallow, with six- to eight-feet high ceilings. Mouths of troglodyte caves often open toward the south.
The troglodyte population now much reduced, many of these caves are inhabited by goblins, some by more fearsome creatures. Few remain empty for long, if not filled with brackish water, seeping in from the rising tides that ever menace the lowland peninsula.
Troglodyte Caves #1 and #2. Add scale and compass rose to suit.
1 If you’re unfamiliar with the statistics of weighted tables, look at the odds of rolling a given number on a 2d6 table (as in Monster Reactions, B24, X23) or on a 3d6 table (as in Bonuses and Penalties Due to Abilities, B7, X2). Gygax gives a dice statistics primer in the AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide (9-10). See also Wandering DMs: Basic Dice Math | Season 1 Episode 22.
Here I sketch a few details in broad strokes. I’m saving a rumor table for the final article, which pulls previous articles together into a campaign background.
Reading Map
This is the seventh article of a series outlining a B/X D&D campaign inspired by an old map.
In the May 1999 Dungeoncraft installment (Dragon #259), Ray Winninger addresses the naming of people and places in our imagined settings. He suggests several pointers for coming up with appropriate appellations, one of which is to borrow from existing languages. “Remember this number: 400,” Winninger writes:
“That’s the Dewey Decimal Classification number for language. If you go to your local public library and browse around the 430s through about the 490s, you’ll find plenty of foreign-language dictionaries, each of which can be mined for good names.”
Being of the old school, we remember the number as well as the Dewey Decimal System and public libraries, still proud bastions of knowledge and learning. Today, though, no foray to base town is required. Online dictionaries and interactive translators put entire lexicons at our disposal.
We already covered noble titles in “Thirteen Graves.” In “Monstrous Denizens of the Pale Moor,” I made reference to a few names, which I noted on the map (reproduced above). These are examples of the system’s loose application. As source languages for this region, I lean on Frisian, Dutch, German, and Old High German, though other languages are not excluded.
Emden: Many historical names on the map are serviceable for our purpose. Seems to me that Emden (city) and Emder (county) must be related to the Ems (river). Porting all three saves us some trouble. I don’t find any etymology for the root, which leaves us carte blanche to invent a fantastic meaning for “em.”
Broeckemeer: Embellished from Emmius’s map. Suitably suspicious.
Reidermark: The name for the territory now submerged beneath the bay is also lifted from the historical map. I change it from “land” to “mark” as it was, before the flood, a boundary province. At the time of the campaign, it is most often referred to as Lost Reidermark.
Dragons Watch Mountains: Here I resort to English. We came to know them in Wyrm Dawn as the Western Mountains. Throrgrmir dwarves refer to this range as Fjallaheim (mountain home, Old Norse). Since dragons heard rumors of wyrmlings creeping in the dwarven dungeon, these low peaks make convenient roosts within easy flight of the place the Age of Dragons is prophesied to begin.
Elding Wood and Ellriendi Forest: Both names are from the Valormr Campaign. Last summer’s game flew by in a fog of war, but I believe I pulled them somehow out of Old Norse.
Valhallan (misspelled on map): Settled by a warlike clan of religious zealots, the grave takes its name from the chief god’s great hall.
Hekselannen, “The Hex Lands”: “Hekse lannen” is Frisian for “witch lands.” I concatenate to arrive at the proper appellation of the Forsaken Peninsula. From there, simple word play gets the vulgar name.
Grave Subjects
Most human PCs hail from one of the thirteen graves and, as such, are subject to the landgrave and, if the landgrave swears fealty, to the herzog. We established earlier that the graves compete with each other for the Pale Moor’s resources. Persons of the adventuring class, then, are valued subjects, provided they agree to undertake the occasional quest for the hierarchy. A subject who is known to undertake quests for other landgraves is admonished or punished according to the quest’s importance and impact. Penalties range from a small fine to public execution.
A DM might introduce the idea of adventuring licenses—something akin to letters of marque—issued by the landgraves or the herzog, which grant a limited authority to act in the name of the issuer, usually to claim land and other resources.
Total Protonic Reversal
This might qualify as crossing the streams, but there’s definitely a very slim chance we’ll survive.
I think it fairly obvious that, when naming the Keep on the Pale Moor in the Valormr Campaign last year, I had in mind the most famous keep in D&D. Then, in “About the Reedition of Phenster’s,” I mentioned the resemblance of the fictional society’s “Great Halls of Pandemonium” to the Caves of Chaos.
I want to put the two ideas together. I don’t mean that we drop in the Keep and the Caves and be done with it. I mean that we reuse parts of Dungeon Module B2 that fit the scenario. I’m thinking specifically of the Keep map and the concept of the Caves.
The Keep on the Pale Moor
We reuse the map of the borderlands Keep (B2, 16), but the once great fortress, constructed as a staging area and supply point for the Chaos Armies, is now in ruins. Recently, its walls and gates have been crudely reconstructed by its current hobgoblin inhabitants.
Maybe the hobgoblins are aware of the “secret entrance to a long forgotten dungeon” from the cellar beneath area #16 (B2, 25). Or maybe they have reason to believe it exists but haven’t found it yet.
Either way, the key to lifting the Pale Moor curse lies at the bottom of the dungeon. Therefore, the Keep on the Pale Moor becomes the campaign’s initial focal point. The PCs must, first, defeat the hobgoblins and reclaim the keep before the Wraithwright can raise an undead army. Then, using the surface ruins as a base, they must defend the keep, while they descend into the dungeon to lift the curse before the Wraithwright, with his now-raised army, destroys the keep.
The Dungeon: The Great Halls of Pandemonium
After events play out at the keep, the campaign’s focal point shifts to a ruined city of the Greater Ones, taken over by demons, rebuilt in their chaotic fashion, and named by them Pandemonium, after the capital city on their home plane. The cyclopean ruins are now sunk beneath the mires of the Pale Moor.
Because events at the keep will have an impact, it’s too early to tell what the scenario might be when PCs arrive at the Great Halls. The vision, in general terms, is to apply some of the concepts of the Caves of Chaos:
Each “hall” is a small dungeon, most of them connected to adjacent halls.
A temple is dedicated to the demons who once lived there. Within the temple complex, evil priests work to call the demons back to the Great Halls.
The halls are densely populated with creatures of chaos, as the evil priests gather the chaotic horde to fill the ranks of the demonic legion.
To complicate matters, the Warlock abides in a nearby tower. To further his goals, the Warlock uses devils—or devils use the Warlock to further their own.
Evil Factions
There are two major villains in the campaign. Each leads a faction. The Wraithwright, aligned with demons and chaotic evil creatures, may sometimes work with—and sometimes work against—the Warlock, aligned with devils and lawful evil creatures. Departing from B/X rules as written, the remainder of this series assumes a five-point alignment system as in Holmes Basic. (See Demons and Devils and Alignments in “Monstrous Denizens of the Pale Moor.”)
Secret #10: It was not long after the Rending and events of Song of the World Dragon that demons came to the ruined city of the Greater Ones. They sought a powerful object constructed by the now extinct beings. They found it. I don’t know yet exactly what this object is, but its misuse provoked the destruction of the rebuilt demon city of Pandemonium and sent the demons back to their home plane. It’s possible that devils, jealous of the prize, were involved. It’s probable that recovering this artifact is a primary objective of either or both of our villains. There is no doubt, though, that it may eventually be found deep in the sediment beneath the shallow bay where lies Lost Reidermark.
I thought to cover the last three steps of the D&D Expert Rulebook’s Designing a Wilderness (X54) in a single article. I try to keep the word count between 400 and 1,000. This one, covering the next step, approaches the limit. So, I cut the remainder again into parts, one article per step, and the “short” series becomes less so.
Reading Map
This is the sixth article of a short-ish series outlining a B/X D&D campaign.
Emden is a fortified town. A river borders the south side, and defensive walls enclose the remaining perimeter. Four gatehouses at drawbridges allow entry. Canals divide the town into large quarters and give access to one small port, maybe two. The population is 10,000.
A large town gives PCs access to all the usual resources, while allowing room for growth through their actions. As the campaign progresses, PCs might reduce the monstrous threat from Darkmeer, remove the Pale Moor curse, and extract great wealth from the interior. Population increase follows.
The herzog maintains the seat of government in Emden. He resides in a palace (which may well be under construction or recently constructed at campaign start) and keeps a palace guard. In addition, the sovereign may raise an army. While the herzog manages affairs of the duchy,1 an appointed burgrave is charged with the administration of the grave itself, including the town. A town guard maintains order within its precincts. In case of outside threat, the burgrave may call upon the local militia.
Supporting Services
The church holds great sway in the Thirteen Graves. The landgraves need the church’s support to combat the undead and the infernal menace from the Pale Moor. The church takes advantage of the situation to gain secular support to give its edicts the weight of law. A bishop (7th-level cleric) runs the church in Emden and leverages the herzog’s power to establish the church hierarchy throughout the duchy.
Secret #8: The bishop believes the church is much more capable of defending the realm and defeating the infernal hordes. He schemes to take over the duchy and make it a theocracy.
Religious Factions
Here we have an opportunity to come up with some factions within the church that promote a particular doctrine. Here follow three examples:
Crusaders: A knightly order of warriors who battle demons and devils wherever they encroach upon civilized lands. When an infernal horde gathers, the knights petition the bishop to proclaim a crusade, and they lead expeditions into the Pale Moor. Members are clerics, paladins, and fighters, knighted by the herzog.
Inquisitors: A sect that believes witchery is the root of all evil. Their inquisitors search out any practitioners of the black art. Witchery is the practice of witchcraft. In the context of our setting, witchcraft, strictly defined, is any dealing with a devil or demon. Therefore, warlocks and witches are the primary target. But sometimes the sect’s definition of witchcraft may become overly broad.2
Undead Slayers: A band of clerics that recruits warriors to destroy the abomination that is the walking dead. The band is known to make daring raids into the Pale Moor.
The Ghouling Gauntlet
Given the opportunity to reuse—or in this case pre-use—an already created element, we take it. The Ghouling Gauntlet is an ancient order of undead slayers that appears at the end of Wyrm Dawn and the beginning of Wyrmwyrd, thousands of years in our current setting’s future. Perhaps the order is recently formed in response to the moor wraiths. (See the heading The Ghoul of Tower Mill in Wyrm Dawn’s “Empire of the Undersun.”)
Magic-Users: While it accepts members regardless of alignment, the Magic-Users Guild is dominated by lawful members, many with ties to the noble family. It maintains strong relationships with the magic-users guilds of the other lawful graves, often working together to further the herzog’s goals, which its lawful members believe coincide with their own. Chaotic members may join together temporarily to foil the efforts of the lawful group when they interfere with their own objectives.
Thieves: The Guild Master of Emden’s Thieves Guild is a member of Broeckemeer’s ruling clan. Her major ongoing operations include spying on the ducal hierarchy, harassing trade routes in and out of the capital, and political assassinations.
Travelers and locals may find accommodation, restoration, and entertainment in a few inns, several boardinghouses, and numerous taverns. Following are examples, lightly sketched.
Gasthaus Herzogs: Situated just outside the palace gates, the herzog’s inn provides luxury quarters and gourmet meals to its wealthy clientele. It is patronized by diplomats, aristocracy, the richest merchants, and the spies who note their comings and goings and pretend not to be listening to their conversations.
Gasthof der Langenruhe or Inn of Long Repose: All sorts of travelers, including merchants, adventurers, and the occasional aristocrat, stay at this inn on the main square. Locals sometimes dine in its private dining hall. Mercenaries and men-at-arms frequent the inn’s public taproom.
Geitenhoef Taverne or the Goat’s Hoof Tavern: The southeast quarter has declined in recent years. Geitenhoef Taverne once catered to more affluent patrons. Now, its regulars are laborers, low-ranking soldiers, and adventurers down on their luck. The Geitenhoef is reputedly a hangout of members of the local Thieves Guild.
Widow Walpurga’s Pension: After her husband died 30 years ago, childless Frau Walpurga—known to everyone as Widow Walpurga or “the Widow”—began renting rooms of her large house. Her reputation is that of a kindly old woman, hard of hearing. One or two lodgers may be permanent residents. The Widow keeps one small room for herself at the top of a spiral staircase in the widow’s watch.
Witch Hunting
The landlady is named after Walpurga Hausmannin of German legend. The historic Frau Hausmannin was a tragic victim of a witch hunt. Our Walpurga may be more malefic.
To give context to the trial as well as to the general setting, I recommend Chapter 7 of Carl Sagan’s Demon-Haunted World.3 The chapter gives its title to the book.
1 I find it awkward in speech, but a DM might replace duchy with the German herzogtum.
2 An inquisition scenario might be fun. I’d be careful about letting it dominate the campaign.
3 I recommend Sagan’s book, as a whole, for it gives context to the present real-world situation. Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, New York: Ballantine, 1996.
I always wanted to do this. Final motivation provided by book cover necessity.
A Homage to David C. Sutherland’s Cover of Basic D&D (1977). Lines traced with No. 2 graphite. Blue monochrome achieved using three shades of colored pencils.
“Stephen’s delightful memoir makes you want to travel upstream to your own formative D&D headwaters, dig out your old graph-paper maps and worn dice, and rediscover the gateway to what the author calls ‘the fantastic path.’” —Ethan Gilsdorf, author of Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks: An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms
“A celebration of dice, maps, friendship, and, above all, imagination—the very stuff from which the hobby of role-playing is made.” —James Maliszewski, author of Grognardia: Musings and Memories from a Lifetime of Roleplaying
Warning: Reading this book will make you want to play D&D!
After determining human-controlled areas, it may seem little space remains for monsters. But the interior is wild and infested with ferocious beasts, walking dead, and tribes of chaotic humanoids. Surrounding the Thirteen Graves are the sea and three territories. Being borderlands, these last are wilderness areas, whose inhabitants may encroach upon civilized lands.
Secrets and Names
I debate with myself about disclosing the secrets I come up with or letting the DM make his own secrets. On the one hand, publishing them here gives them away should players become overly curious. On the other, I’m likely to build on some of the secrets in later articles. The reader must be in the know. Of course, the DM may change the secrets or devise others. I have added one secret each to “A Forsaken Peninsula” and “Thirteen Graves.” The debate continues.
I have also resisted putting names on the map, thinking to leave that to the DM as well. But place names are useful in writing as references. “The county that claims the Pale Moor” is wordy as well as awkward. I’ve written on the map a few names used in the text.
I mention PC races at the end. Otherwise, monsters are divided by geography:
Troglodytes (not shown on map): Native inhabitants of the peninsula, the troglodytes were pushed out by human settlers. Remnants of their caves, found throughout the region, testify to their former territory. Restricted now to the interior, they often raid human settlements out of necessity if not revenge.
Kobolds (not shown): The dog-men infest the Pale Moor. They shelter in any dense thicket or tangled copse of trees.
Goblins (not shown): Goblins seek uninhabited troglodyte caves in which to make their lairs. They may be encountered most anywhere on the Pale Moor.
Hobgoblins: Inhabiting the Pale Moor’s southeast, hobgoblins frequently raid the southern graves all the way to the Gruttemar, the lake shown on the moor’s western border. To augment its army, Valhallan enlists hobgoblins, goblins, and bugbears. Parties crossing the grave’s perimeter are likely to encounter these goblinoids in border patrols.
Moor Wraiths: The result of the Pale Moor curse, these undead creatures plague the interior. Their appearance is much like a zombie: bloodless corpse, pallid complexion. Despite a vacant stare, they seem to act in concert and with a will.
Pale Moor Curse
Any creature that dies within the confines of the Pale Moor becomes a moor wraith within one day. Denizens adapt to this situation by burning their dead in impromptu ceremonies.
Secret #5: When the Battle of Throrgrmir was lost, remnants of the Chaos Armies disbanded. The Wraithwright, having arrived at the head of his undead legion near the battle’s end, still commanded the entire force. He withdrew into the Pale Moor. It is the Wraithwright who laid the curse upon the land. And it is the Wraithwright to whom the animated dead are enthralled.
New Monster: Moor Wraith
The Pale Moor curse acts as an animate dead spell, except a moor wraith has two more hit dice than the original creature. Rumors imply a moor wraith may gain additional hit dice.
Skeletal moor wraiths also exist, though they are less common. A so called “bone wraith” is created when a skeleton is brought into the moor or when the flesh of the recent dead is boiled. Bone wraiths have one more hit dice than the original creature.
Whether skeletal or fleshed, both are wraith-like in that they can only be hit with silvered or magical weapons. Moor wraiths do not drain energy levels.
Clerics turn a moor wraith as a wight or the undead creature with equivalent hit dice. A moor wraith may be dispelled. For purposes of spell failure, treat the curse as a 12th-level magic-user.
All moor wraiths act according to the desires of the Wraithwright.
Infernal Hordes: Though infrequent, demons and devils may be encountered on the Pale Moor. Hordes of these infernal creatures sometimes ravage the land, crossing into the graves to wreak havoc among the mortals.
Demons and Devils and Alignments
By adding demons and devils to a B/X game, we’re creating work for the DM. We can rob from AD&D, which is what I did in the ’80s. The biggest question lies in alignments. For me, demons and devils are distinguished by their cultures, which are tied to their alignments: havoc-wreaking demons versus Machiavellian devils. The one chaotic, the other lawful, both evil.
In a three-point, single-axis system, demons are aligned with chaos, clearly. But devils with law? Do we call them chaotic with their organized society? Or should we introduce a dual-axis alignment system?
Holmes’s five alignments are enough. DMs may decide for themselves. If incorporating more alignments, we might throw out alignment languages or restrict them to the three original alignments of the first axis. I’m thinking to experiment with only two languages: Law and Chaos.
Surrounding Lands
Lizard Men: Prowling the swamps east of the Jade Bight, the lizard men cross the bay on dark nights to raid coastal villages. They also harass shipping in and out of Port-of-Sands.
Orcs: Broeckemeer incites the orcs of the Dragons Watch Mountains to raid the southern graves. Because the orcs are unruly, the raids are infrequent, untimely, and therefore ineffective.
Gnolls: Several bands of gnolls range south along the west flank of the Dragons Watch. Broeckemeer is in contact with the gnolls, hoping to recruit them into an army when diplomatic contention comes to military conflict with the duchy. For the time being, though, the gnolls want nothing to do with the Pale Moor and its curse.
Secret #6: Broeckemeer, whose ruling family is made up of witches and warlocks (secret #4), endeavors to call upon the demon lord of gnolls to bring the rapacious bands under their dominion.
Nomads (not shown): While avoiding the Pale Moor, the Sadhakarani [introduced in Wyrm Dawn] wander throughout the peninsula and beyond, trading goods from remote lands. Also called Runefolk, they have an innate ability for magic-use.
The Wyrm Prophecy yet unfulfilled, any number of dragons might lair on the peninsula, keeping watch over events in Throrgrmir. The most powerful among them are a black and a green (not shown). The black dragon lairs on the Moor. The green, at the edge of the Elding.
Northern Sea
Mermen: This submarine folk inhabits the deeper waters off the north coasts of the island chain. They keep to themselves and are rarely seen by fishermen and sailors.
Storm Giants: A clan of storm giants resides in a submarine castle, built from coral and giant mollusk shells. They are potential allies of law.
Secret #7: The cause of the Atlantean flood was not divine but giant. The storm giants and the knightly order were working together against chaos. I don’t know yet what was the transgression, but the order’s hierarchy crossed the storm giants in some manner. The giants’ retribution was swift, and the knightly order all but washed away.
Buccaneers and Pirates (not shown): There is a long tradition of piracy in the Northern Sea. From bases along the Fear Coast, pirates ply the channels that give access to ports in the bays either side of the peninsula. Though it is no longer a pirate holding, when referring to Thror’s Gate (off map, east, see Valormr: Pre-War Disposition of Forces), the pirates still call it Skullhaven. Broeckemeer is a reputed sponsor of pirate activity.
PC Races
Halflings: The Forsaken Peninsula is no place for such gentle people. The few haffolk who dwell here migrated with the humans from the Shire Hollows in the Throrgrmir Valley. They settle in small shires near human settlements in the lawful lands.
Dwarves: Dwarves come from either of two clans of Forn Fjallaheim in the Dragons Watch Mountains a few days march south. One clan is the Galti-Gler, the other not yet named.
Song of the World Dragon is a narrative poem. It is a creation myth of Earth’s far future—a world with magic, monsters, and a ring around it, with stars that aren’t fixed but dance and swirl.
DONJON LANDS is a far-future fantasy role-playing game setting.
In the void between all things, Surrounded by darkness and cold, A faraway light shone dim. The dragon lay dreaming in the void, And naught else was in the void But the dragon who lay dreaming and the light. And in its dream the dragon dreamt Of a world that was known as Earth.…