Encounter areas are numbered. Sublevels are noted with the level number followed by a letter designator, highlighted in purple. Map by Dyson Logos.
Getting Into the Deep Halls
Dreaming Amon-Gorloth is a dungeon and wilderness adventure campaign for character levels 1 to 9 intended for use with any old-school edition of the world’s most superlative role-playing game.
The should-be simple exercise of keying rooms is already a nightmare. The dungeon, consisting of 180 encounter areas, goes down seven levels. Each level is divided, by contiguous rooms, into 51 sublevels.
The first four dozen encounter areas by sublevel serve to demonstrate its twisted quality.
Sublevel | Encounter Areas | Sublevel | Encounter Areas |
2A. | 1-3 | 3C. | 23-25 |
2B. | 4-8 | 2C. | 26-29 |
1A. | 9-12 | 3D. | 30-31 |
3A. | 13-14 | 3E. | 32-33 |
4A. | 15-18 | 4B. | 34-40 |
3B. | 19-22 | 4C. | 41-48 |
A party might enter the dungeon and proceed immediately along 3. Grand Entry Hall (2A.) down to area 34. Nightmare Bazaar (4B.), or they might follow at least five other circuitous routes to the same destination.
Your Favorite Monsters from Holmes
I have worked out much of the campaign scenario, and Melqart and his “Company of the Blind Seer” have explored several chambers close to the entrance—as far as 57. Chamber of the Processional (3F.).
I’m taking your suggestions for favorite Holmesian monsters to place in sublevels and particular halls and chambers in the Deep Halls of Amon-Gorloth.
The menu included as part of the introduction to this page provides a good ordering of the articles from the project. It makes it easier for the reader to follow the flow of development and the story itself. Perhaps a legend for the map image that says explicitly, “click on the map for an enlarged image” would be useful. Otherwise the reader might not notice the tool tip if they don’t cursor over the image.
If possible it would be better that the concatenation of articles that follows repeats the foward-chronoligical order of the menu. That way a user can scroll forward to read the articles in order. That’s more convenient that hitting the back arrow constantly to use the menu to read the articles in order.
Also, I would include the article “Channeling Amon-Gorloth”
as part of the list of articles.
Minor critiques, though. It’s a good start to a massive project.
My $0.02!
Thanks for all these comments, Davoid. I agree, having the articles in newest-last order would be better for through reading. Unfortunately, the order controls the whole site. I can’t reverse the order for a category and keep another order for the blog index. Newest-first is the blog norm.
The menu targets readers who want to run the campaign as I stock the dungeon. “Channeling Amon-Gorloth” belongs to a class of earlier articles that one might use as suggestions to create their own Deep Halls campaign. See “These Deep Halls or Where to Start.” https://www.donjonlands.com/2021/03/these-deep-halls-or-where-to-start.html
There is a method to the madness, but it’s madness all the same.
Thanks for reading!
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