It was a table perhaps some decades ago. Remaining now are crumbling bits of dry rot wood next to a single stool in similar condition. One plate, flatware, a goblet, and two candlesticks, all of tarnished silver, lay amid the friable refuse.
Bending, Hreidmar scooped up the goblet. “Now there’s a treas—”
The north door opened and a troop of skeletons filed in. The first held a covered plater high in one hand, a threadbare towel laid over the bones of the other arm.
Thorsdottir stepped forward and thrust the Ouroboros1 toward the advancing column—“Back!”
The silver platter dropped to the floor with a clang. The cover rolled aside. Heel bones scraped stone as the skeletons turned away, fleeing through the door…

The scene takes place in the central room (unnumbered), lowest level.
I’ve always counted Turn Undead as some kind of magic for the purpose of when, in the combat sequence (B24), a cleric should take the action. The B/X Rulebooks give no guidance on the matter (nor on a number of other details about Turning).
In my experience, Turning in the magic phase makes for some awkward moments:
- Maneuvering and preparation for combat against half a dozen or so undead takes up time that will be for naught if the cleric’s Turning is successful.
- Players, thinking about tactics in the movement phase, make a certain emotional investment in the combat, of which they are then deprived.
- Missiles fired on the undead before they are Turned in the following phase is often anticlimactic.
During a recent Wyrmwyrd session, it occurred to me that Turning is only a quick gesture and maybe a couple spoken words. A cleric could easily do that while moving. If successful, the field is cleared—or at least thinned. If the Turning fails, the players can get into the combat with confidence their actions will be meaningful.
Rules Clarification: Turn Undead
A cleric attempts to Turn Undead in the movement phase of the combat sequence (step B, phase 2).
In the scene depicted above, neither side was surprised, and the player party won the initiative roll. Thorsdottir turned seven of nine skeletons.
1 The Ouroboros is the holy symbol of the Pantheon.