In a wargame, one normally begins with a number of army points, with which to buy figures, respecting general proportions defined by the historical or fantastical context. In a campaign, the points are allotted for the duration, augmented by a small periodic point budget. Forces must be husbanded across the campaign’s several battles.
For the Valormr Campaign, I turned the process around. I sorted through my collection for all troop types and any creature types described in Chainmail. To those I added a couple others but kept additions to a minimum, knowing I would have to assign game stats to them.
With a few human armies on both sides, I foresee the need for up to four human regiments on the table for the climactic battle at least. The size of human regiments is based on the number of troop types I could recruit from the collection divided by four. All the humanoid troops are pressed into service.

Orders of battle may vary depending on your own collection of miniature figurines.
According to the scenario, Anax Archontas raises the Chaos Armies at his leisure. It’s the dragon’s raid on the dwarven citadel that spurs the Forces of Law to muster troops. I separate out the Ellriendi Elves because, though they fight against the Chaos Armies, their priority is the protection of the forest and the secret they guard within.
Therefore, I want Chaos to have point-value superiority over Law, with the Elves somewhere between. I loaded the whole lot of figures into an electronic spreadsheet and counted them up by point value. I then adjusted up or down by adding regiments to armies.
Chaos enjoys the use of the majority of fantastic creatures in the “General Line-Up” (39). These are opposed by Law with heroes and wizards, of which Chaos has few.
The Chaos Armies are named after their commanders. The Elf King and Queen each maintain a royal force. Elf regiments take their names from their region. The province of origin lends its name to the armies of the Forces of Law.
Summary of Orders of Battle | |
Army | Points |
Anax Archontas (Dragon) | 200 |
Hadewych | 480 |
Solon Theros | 120 |
Annemie Tacx | 330 |
Minke Meine | 300 |
Arkthark (Goblin Horde) | 700 |
(Kobolds) | 80 |
Oberon (Orcs) | 320 |
The Laugher (Gnolls) | 180 |
(Lizard Men) | 90 |
Total | 2800 |
Elf Queen’s Court | 450 |
Elf King’s Company | 400 |
Groennendr Regiment | 600 |
Grunnthraesir Regiment | 400 |
Elding Regiment | 550 |
Total | 2200 |
Throrgrmir (Dwarves) | 400 |
Aeskrvald | 450 |
Grallune | 400 |
Lanze | 200 |
Gyrhawk | 200 |
The Heagh (Highlanders) | 60 |
Noerdenheim (Northmen) | 80 |
Arbenshire (Halfolk) | 150 |
Eglidain Burrows (Gnomes) | 60 |
Total | 2000 |
Reading Map
Detailed orders of battle are forthcoming.