Another preliminary map. At such an early stage—that is, before the first door is forced open—it is premature to consider the wilderness outside our immediate adventure area. My purpose, with regards to Wyrmwyrd, is to show the greater area, however generally, in which events play out. Furthermore, the base, modified, serves as the strategic-level map for the Valormr Campaign, which takes place a few thousand years prior to Wyrmwyrd.

Valormr left of center, Darkmeer in the west, the Grand Duchy east. One hex equals six miles.
In my childhood experience with wilderness maps, I first loved to make mountains. Later, I loved to do forests, then hills. Now I love to make rivers!
The north-south river right of center is in fact a canal, built by the Greater Ones, repaired several times since the Rending.
Funny thing; I recognise that place 😉
Scaling might be a bit off, but I can almost see my house from there.
It’s your home of the far future, Jens. Maybe you could leave us some buried treasure?