It was yet during Throrgrmir’s Renaissance when rumors spread to the four corners of the world about the wyrmlings which terrorized the dwarves in their dungeon domain.
Anax Archontas Pyrgos Pyrkagias came from lands far south of the World Dragon Mountains, where the red dragon was known as Lord Master of Flame Tower. He brought with him Solon Theros, a superhero with a reputation for ruthlessness, savagery, and cunning in war.
From a temporary lair in the Western Mountains above Darkmeer, Anax Archontas verified the truth of the wyrmling rumors. Then, with Solon Theros he made a plan to conquer the dwarves and thus begin the prophesied Age of Dragons.
Plan made, the dragon hissed at Solon Theros. “First, find champions from among the human rabble below to fight for our purpose.”

Wargame Scenario
Champions of Chaos is an introductory wargame scenario, in which Solon Theros chooses champions to fight for Chaos. It exercises four of Chainmail’s rule subsets.1 Thus, the scenario is conducted in four phases.
- Skirmish: Regiments from two petty states fight an engagement.
▪ Setup: Dracken Deep vs. Ternemeer
▪ Narrative: Killing Field at Aldefane- Man-to-Man Combat: Surviving troops of both sides face off against each other—every man for himself.
▪ Setup: “Allies You Have None”
▪ Narrative: Four Without Country- Jousting: Those who remain standing compete in the lists.
▪ Setup: Death Rides to Mortal Combat
▪ Extra: Strategy on the Jousting Matrix
▪ Narrative: Hargrane Against Nine in the Lists- Fantasy Combat: Winners undergo long and arduous training under the whip of Solon Theros. One year later, the heroes are tested against fantastic creatures.
▪ Extra: A Final Test of Courage
▪ Setup: Heroes of Chaos
Solon Theros chose warriors from two of Darkmeer’s petty states. Neighbors Dracken Deep and Ternemeer are fierce rivals. Commanders Minke Meine and Annemie Tacx have met before.2
For the venue, Solon Theros chose Aldefane, a structure built by the Greater Ones. Whatever its original purpose, its ruins now serve as an arena.
It’s been a lustrum since I played Chainmail. Before the Valormr Campaign proper, I refamiliarize myself with the rules for medieval miniatures in Champions of Chaos.
1 Another rule subset describes sieges. Too complex for the simple scenario, those rules may serve later in the Valormr Campaign.
2 Naming: Anax Archontas and Solon Theros, being from south of the World Dragon Mountains, get their names from Ancient Greek. For Darkmeer places and persons, I cull names from Dutch, Frisian, and Old Frankish. In all cases, I take license to suit my own ear, finding justification in the millennia between now and then.
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